In 1:1 sisterhood is when you are paired up with a sister in a virtuous woman.

The Goal of 1 on 1 sisterhood is to build a sisterhood based on Christ and see how Jesus transforms everyone.

  • You become sisters in Christ for a quarter (3 months)
  • After the quarter is up, we have a rotation that would connect you with another sister, for the next quarter.
  • When you are paired, you will become sisters, prayer partner, word study partner, and you will learn from each other the way you individually relate to God
  • In your sisterhood you form a relationship a bond rooted in Christ
  • You fellowship together, in person or online.

What is the purpose of 1:1 sisterhood

  • It is a sisterhood mission
  • To create tighter bonds in the Body of Christ
  • To partake in the graces of God that are in each one of us.( Meekness, Boldness, ETC…)
  • To experience the fullness of Christ
  • Matthew 18:20 “ For where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them”

How did 1:1 sisterhood begin?

  • God revealed to us the power of graces.

2 corinthians 4:7 “ But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us”

God has deposited treasures in every one of us. That we may all have a portion of him..

When we come together we may have the full of him. A great visual explanation is how Jesus shared a piece of himself to his disciples, not one person got the full of him.

In order for us to have the fullness of him we must fellowship together in one accord, to build unity and walk in the fullness of him.

In each Virtuous Woman there are different graces of God ( meekness, wisdom, boldness, etc…)

This caused us to take on a sisterhood mission in order to partake of the graces in each other and become truly the body of Christ.